I know that there are more than just two genders and have been told there are hundreds of genders. What are some examples of these genders and how do they differ from cis-gendered identities?


Please no transphobes. Just genuinely curious and want to educate myself

In: Biology

6 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Best I can tell it’s more about how people want to label themselves . How they identify.

Gender is kind of a social construct it’s a way we label ourselves and let others know how we want to be seen.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Honestly, why waste your time? If someone wants you to call them it, call them it. All these “genders” seem like everyone wanting to feel like a special unicorn. I understand if you want to dress like a dude, or act like a woman, or genuinely feel like a woman. All the power to you, but don’t get insulted if I call you by the wrong pronoun. Because to me, I don’t really care if you think you’re a shoe in a man’s body.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I’ve struggled with this question myself quite a lot. I’d consider myself a feminist. (in the sense of “oh gender roles a BS, equal pay for equal work, and women are obviously not de facto inferior beings or some shit” not “hurr Durr death to men”) so I find it really difficult to reconcile the idea of genders even being a thing. There are definitely two sexes, those with one set of organs, and those with the other. And then a couple of different combos of hermaphroditic shit.

Beyond that though, I can’t prove any of it exists. There is nothing beyond those organs that is exclusively the territory of a man, or of a woman right? If it were about personality stuff, eg being more emotionally intact, naturally empathetic or the like (things people tell us are feminine), well that doesn’t make a male more less of a male, it means there’s someone with balls who is also naturally empathetic.
If it’s about interests, say liking sports, and beer, and dirt bikes, playing rough. Things people tell us are for boys, someone with a uterus liking them doesnt make them more masculine at all. Just means they’re a woman who likes those things. No biggie.

Idk. Ive never vocalised this because I don’t want to be called transphobic, but I mean gender roles and anything gender related beyond literal organs aren’t real, they’re made up. They have no value in society other than what you choose to give them. Therefore what is it that people are identifying with that they believe excludes them from one gender or includes them in another?

(Sorry op for getting off topic, if I were to follow my thought to the end though I’d probably end up at the 7 billion genders)

Anonymous 0 Comments

The 7 billion genders thing… https://twitter.com/Neverfallingfo1/status/1263506335867568129

Its confusing mate, but no one knows what the hell is going on.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Apologies, it wasn’t stonewall, I have found the tweet. It was from Mermaids, the charity based in the uk that was going into schools with their “barbie – Action man” presentation.

Just trying to figure out how to link to a tweet.

Anonymous 0 Comments

So called genders of today are really just personalities.

The word gender used to be a softer way to say “sex” because of some people being sensitive to the other connotations of the word.

But then it also came to mean a set of stereotypes defined and culturally reinforced on children, based on their sex.

So a girl had to sit quietly with her legs crossed. And a boy could run and scream and climb trees.

These toxic gender stereotypes got progressively more and more toxic till we have the shit show today of vile pink toys for girls and blue toys for boys.

Dressing and acting a certain way for girls, dress and act a certain way for boys.

If you’re a boy who doesn’t like sports, beer, hunting or the opposite sex, then you’re in big trouble.

If you’re a girl who doesn’t like make up and fashion and wine, forget it, you’re a freak.

Worse, you might even be told you are actually the opposite sex.

Gender is entirely a societal made up thing consisting of forced likes, dislikes and attributes.

Gender identity as it is now, is a push back against the tiny boxes we are forced to fit in. When actually, ironically its swapping one tiny box for another.

So to answer your question, there are really 7.5 billion “genders” because they really mean “personality”.