I saw a defrosting plate online and it didn’t look like it had to be plugged in or heated, but claims to defrost frozen food fast. How does something like this work?


I saw a defrosting plate online and it didn’t look like it had to be plugged in or heated, but claims to defrost frozen food fast. How does something like this work?

In: Technology

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

In these passive plates, you aren’t adding heat, you’re subtracting cold.

The cold object, and the air around it want to equalize to the same temperature.

The plate is a very good conductor of heat, and it “sucks the cold” out of the frozen item, speeding up the process of equalizing temperatures by increasing the surface area available to dissipate the cold into the air.

They are usually made out of a specific type of ceramic, different from your dishes, or also aluminum, or other conductive metals.

(Yes, I’m completely skipping over the bit of physics that “cold” is just an absence of heat.)

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