I see YouTube videos all the time of Mandelbrot zooms, but what are they exactly?


I see YouTube videos all the time of Mandelbrot zooms, but what are they exactly?

In: Mathematics

4 Answers

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The Mandelbrot set is a group of numbers that satisfy a condition. Start with a number C and Z=0, apply z²+C. Repeat with the new value as Z over and over.

A number is in the Mandelbrot set if it stays contained through infinite iterations. Instead, it may diverge and go off to infinity.

The set is typically visualized including the complex numbers, in the form of a+b*i* (*i*=√-1).

When is visualized, typically they color the outside of the set based on how many iterations it takes until the absolute value of the digit becomes greater than 2, at which point it is guaranteed to go off to infinity.

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