I set my truck clock ahead 3 minutes from my watch but I’m a couple weeks it’s 4-5 minutes ahead. Shouldn’t it just stay three minutes ahead?


I usually set my vehicle clock ahead too be early to places. I used to set it areas 5 mins but in a few weeks it’d be 7-8 minutes ahead.

In: Technology

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It would stay constant if the clock in the truck was accurate but it look like i run a bit fast.

A 2 minutes or 120s error in lest say 4 week is a error of 0.17s per hour or 1s per 5.6 hours. That is a error of 1s per 20160s an that is a lot.

A typical quartz wrist watch have a error 13s per 30 days so you are off by a factor of 10.

I suspects that the problem was the temperature but a regular quartz crystal slows down both when it is both to warm and to cold and yours is faster.

So you have a clock in the car that either have bad component from when it was build or one where part have failed overtime . So you for it to be accurate you need to replace the cock or what part that drives in if it is a new car with a lot of builtin electronics.

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