I went to a doctor for my eye checkup. And I couldn’t read the last line at all. Doctor said this is the limit to your eye and no matter how strong a lens, you would never be able to read the last line


But I don’t get it. Why would if I put a stronger lens, I wouldn’t be able to read the last line? She said you must have never been able to read the last line in your life, and she was correct, but I don’t understand the science at play here

In: 58

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

With current technology, lenses are made as a combination of a spherical component and a cylindrical component set at an angle. Your eye is not likely to have a distortion that exactly matches one of these combinations in its geometry, but some lens will give you some improvement. There is a best choice for a lens that improves your eye for a certain distance. There won’t be a “stronger” lens.

That isn’t to say future technology won’t be better. It might be possible to exactly tailor some surgery to make your eye perfect, but we are not there yet.

And most people don’t even know how good or bad their eyesight is. I remember taking a drawing class where the teacher liked my drawings but said they lacked sharpness. I had no idea what he was talking about until I got a new prescription. Until then, I thought my drawings were depicting the objects as they were, not just as I was seeing them.

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