If 35mm film can be scanned up to 4K, does that mean I could have old film rolls from my cheap 1990s photo camera scanned to 4K?


I’m pretty sure the camera used 35mm film, and after I got film rolls developed they were returned to me. I’d just have to find them… And then I assume I could pay for them to be scanned?

The camera was really cheap, just one of those all-plastic with a small lens, not protruding from the body of the camera, basically disposable camera-grade except your could reload film. But since it used film, the film was the “sensor” of the camera so to speak, so the quality should still be good, right?

Is this at all possible?

In: 4

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


35mm movie film and camera film are basically the same stuff.

But the actual film you use in your camera *may* be faster (higher ISO) to cope with less light (no studio bright as the sun lights for you). Faster film is more grainy, and 4K may be reaching diminishing returns.

Simplest is just try and scan a few strips and see.

If you do have good slow film, or good black and white file, you may be surprised at the detail that is there, but that you can’t see till you scan it and blow it up.

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