Controversial opinion here, but there are so many problems with fasting— our latest health trend. One big issue is that it forces a huge detox on your liver, and our livers aren’t prepared or willing to do that so fast. And so it puts immense pressure on your liver. This is from the Medical Medium regarding fasts:
“An inappropriate fast forces your liver to release too many toxins at once. When the toxins flood the bloodstream, the kidneys and bowel can still only eliminate a small portion at a time. The rest floats around in the bloodstream.
This sudden barrage of poison in the bloodstream causes two kinds of problems. First, the toxins can wreak havoc on your pancreas, spleen, nervous system, brain and heart. Second, the spillover puts your liver in a state of alarm, so the organ works on overdrive trying to gather up and seal in the toxins once more. It’s exhausting to your liver, which makes it harder for it to heal later and potentially more reluctant to release toxins in the future….”
But if you’re a rare rare rare person that has not taken in toxins in your life (basically almost impossible without substantial efforts), then maybe it can be okay. But anyone with the standard American diet… fat chance lol.
Detoxes can be done safely but you have to do it in a slow structured way that your liver can then prepare for. Look up the 3:6:9 fast with Medical medium if interested.
The other big problem I have heard him say is it will jack up your adrenaline. And when you do that, it’s corrosive to the body and will deplete your energy. You will age very fast among other issues.
I might have come away from your main question here but I thought this could be of interest to someone out there!
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