You wouldn’t be able to do it on just water. You wouldn’t starve, but you’d die from other deficiencies. You might be able to on some sort of supervised regimen of supplements. I do think in a few extreme cases of My 600 Pound lLife a patient was in the hospital on basically an IV drop.
I would not recommend trying it yourself. Those people were not only consuming water, and they were all far beyond morbidly obese. And most of the people in the show never got to that point. It was only for the extreme minority of an extreme minority. It’s a very extreme option and I highly doubt the average morbidly obese person (far less than 600 pounds) would benefit from it compared to a low calorie diet that involves food. I also doubt you could just figure out which vitamins you needed on your own and grab them from Walgreens. You’d need a doctor to ok this and prescribe or list what supplements you need.
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