You need the vitamins and minerals that get lost through metabolism and urine. Additionally amino acids cannot be fully recycled so you would need to add those as well, or the body will take apart muscle including the heart muscle to obtain those amino acids (protein = multiple amino acids).
If those 3 points are met, then yes the obese person would only starve once their fat storage runs out. Depending on degree of obesity, this will take over a year.
Without those vitamins, you will develop conditions like scurvy within a couple of months (hair falls out, wounds don’t heal, old scars break open) as well as other vitamin deficiency disorders.
If you do not provide sufficient quantities of minerals, including regular table salt but many others, it will only take weeks at max before you die from most likely heart arrhythmia, because those minerals like sodium and potassium are required for all nerve signaling and with too low (or too high) levels the heart stops working.
So supply the vitamins, minerals and minimum amount of protein/amino acids in the drink, then the person would indeed survive for as long as their fat storages last.
Since fat has 9kcal per gram, or slightly less in actual body fat, that’s around 3500 kcal per pound of fat.
So with a fully sedentary lifestyle, you could use about 1 to 1.5 pounds of body far per day.
If you are 100 pounds overweight you would go 70-100 days before your body weight reaches ‘normal’ levels, and another 30-60 daya before your body has no more accessible body fat and starts using proteins from muscle etc to turn it into glucose for energy, at which point even with now sufficient food there’s a high risk of death.
Someone who weighs 600 pounds, could go about one and a half years easily, assuming as always, micronutrients and minimum quantity of amino acids are provided.
If you just dumped an average weight person and an obese person on a deserted island with only fresh water to drink, their life expectancies (on average) would not be drastically different, as the lack of minerals and water soluble vitamins would occur nearly independent of body fat.
If you had some minor sources of food, the obese person would potentially be able to last longer (depending on the amount of minerals and vitamins they are able to find)
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