If a Virus is meant to reproduce and spread to other organisms. What is the purpose of a cancer cell?


Is there a purpose to a cancer cell?

In: Biology

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Aside from all the other responses here, it’s important that people eliminate the misconception that things in nature exist because of some “purpose”.

Things in nature simply exist. And if it’s a living thing it typically continues to exist if it possesses survival instincts and tries to do what it can to reproduce and not die.

When we think of things like “spiders exist to eat mosquitoes” that’s a VERY ethnocentric view of the world, as if spiders were put there for our personal benefit eliminating a pest we find annoying or dangerous (in that they carry disease).

But that’s simply not the case. Things in nature don’t exist for any reason other than they’ve been able to continue to live throughout history.

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