If an exoplanet like Kepler 442b, the most likely to be habitable exoplanet, has a mass 2.34x that of earth, would the gravity of the planet be 2.34x that of earth as well? Also, how would this affect humans if they were to travel there?


If an exoplanet like Kepler 442b, the most likely to be habitable exoplanet, has a mass 2.34x that of earth, would the gravity of the planet be 2.34x that of earth as well? Also, how would this affect humans if they were to travel there?

In: Physics

4 Answers

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Could a real life “Superman” exist if a child would be born on Kepler and travel back to earth when he is all grown up. So all of his childhood would be with a gravity greater than the one on earth?

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