if antidepressants don’t contain calories, then how do they make you gain fat?


Seriously, I’ve been trying to lose weight for a year now and fat doesn’t seem to want to burn off. Could this be a hormonal thing maybe? :/

In: Chemistry

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The short answer is they mess with calories in, calories out.

On the in side, they can mess with hormonal controls to make you hungrier, mess with neurochemicals to make you less satisfied with food, or even something as simple as making you sleep less so you have more time to eat. In better times they might let you go out and eat with friends, which is usually higher calorie than a home meal.

On the out side, they might lower your energy levels (perversely) making you less likely to go out and exercise.

Lots of levers, basically 🙁 the only thing that worked for me was full on calorie counting, literally logging everything I ate and drank, to find out where I could cut stuff out.

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