If Bandura’s Bobo doll experiment proposes that aggressive behaviour can be learnt via observational learning, how come there are no stronger links between violent games/movies and violent behaviour?


So, social psychologist Albert Bandura performed a couple of experiments in the 1960s, and he proposed that aggressive behaviour can be learnt. Basically, in experimental group he had kids watch an adult physically and verbally assault a Bobo doll. Kids in control group watched an adult play with other toys while the Bobo doll was left untouched. Then, kids from both groups played with some toys from a different room, until they were no longer allowed (this was done to build up frustration). Instead they were offered to play with toys in a room, where the Bobo doll and some other toys were. The results concluded that kids in experimental group showed more aggressive behaviour towards the Bobo doll. In a different experiment he also concluded that aggressive behaviour can be learnt trough cartoons or movies. [Here’s](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bobo_doll_experiment) a link to a more detailed explanation.

So my question is, how is it possible that there are apparently no newer and stronger links between violent games/movies and violent behaviour, especially since games/movies are getting more realistic?

In: Other

14 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Violence in video games and TV seems too removed from the actual act to me. You can’t just twiddle your thumbs and have your enemies drop dead in front of you. You can’t just lay on your couch and eat popcorn to stop the evil empire. Even if your brain sees violence, this is what your body is learning.

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