if cancer is basically a clump of cells that dont want to die, why/how do things like cigarettes, asbestos, and the literal sun trigger it?


if cancer is basically a clump of cells that dont want to die, why/how do things like cigarettes, asbestos, and the literal sun trigger it?

In: Biology

19 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have always thought of this as winning the lottery. Just that the prize is something you don’t really want. The more unhealthy you live, the more bad habits that you have, the more entries you have in that lottery.

You don’t know which cell is going to one day get damaged enough to escape your body’s natural elimination system so it’s best that you maintain a healthy lifestyle.

In the end, it’s all probability and how badly the universe wants to fuck you. You cannot control the universe so try to control the probability.

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