If chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are so crucial to our mental health, why can’t we monitor them the same way diabetics monitor insulin?


If chemicals like oxytocin, dopamine, and serotonin are so crucial to our mental health, why can’t we monitor them the same way diabetics monitor insulin?

In: 7327

66 Answers

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The amount of neurotransmitters released in the synaptic cleft, which is the space between neurons, can be measured as low as number of molecules, *plural* for *this one neuron to its neighbor* nevermind all the *other* connections it has.

At the electrochemical level we still don’t really know why or how the brain works, but we’ve taken enough of them apart to figure out where the problems are and what goes where, more or less

Now multiply that by the lack of standardization between brains, both in terms of wiring and other endocrine/hormonal influences, never mind predisposing developmental, environmental, or genetic issues

So some of the areas you’re interested in are actually very deep inside the brain, measured in nano distances, for a sample that is measured in nano liters, or less than parts per billion, its kinda hard to even get there without killing the patient.

Then, again, there is that one guy who had the railroad spike driven up through his skull, and he survived for decades past that, albeit with *significant* personality and behavioral problems

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