If court stenographers type so efficiently, why hasn’t that become a more standard way of typing?


If court stenographers type so efficiently, why hasn’t that become a more standard way of typing?

In: Other

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

It exists, kinda.

If your work is to write mostly same words over and over like I do, you are most likely to use a special tool to write it, sometimes even suggest what to write. I am a programmer and most development environments provide this, called autocomplete. Github recently developed an extension that can suggest complete code blocks.

Abbreviations, hmu if u wonder wtf it is.

Emojis. ☠️💩l

Keyboards designed for handicapped people.

Keyboards/layouts designed for specific languages like dvorak or colemak or Turkish F. I worked with a guy who used Turkish F. He was so frikkin fast, letters on the keyboard would get erased and we had to change keyboard every few months because mechanics couldn’t handle that much stress. In that job they had to fill their quota to receive a paycheck, after that was bonus. He always had double checks, claiming he would have asa many as four but did not want offend his friends.

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