If East Asians Developed Epicanthic Folds To Adapt To Snow Blindness, Then Why Didn’t Northern Europeans Develop The Same Trait?


I’ve read that East Asians developed slanted eyes or Epicanthic Folds as a way to adapt to snow blindness in the more snowy and colder regions of Asia, and I was wondering why Northern Europeans, specifically Germanic and Nordic people that lived in the colder regions of Northern Europe, didn’t develop the same genetic trait or at least something similar to it.

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31 Answers

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East Asians did not develop epicanthic folds (slanted eyes).

Archaic humans aka homo sapiens left Africa approx. 1 million years before Humans aka homo sapiens sapiens. Some Archaic Humans went to Europe, some went east Asia. Those who went to Europe are now called Neanderthals. Those who went to east Asia are still unknown. We know some of them are called Denisovans. The Archaic Humans who settled in the cold areas of east Asia developed the epicanthic folds over many, many years, whereas the Archaic Humans who settled in Europe, Neanderthals, did not, because they did not live in Scandinavia or other very cold regions of North Europe.

Approx. 100,000 years ago anatomically modern humans emerged in Africa. Approx. 50,000 years ago they left Africa, and interbred with the Archaic Humans of Europe and east Asia. The modern humans who interbred with the Neanderthals and other European archaic humans adopted their traits and became what we call Caucasian people. The humans who interbred with the east Asian archaic humans adopted their traits, one of which was the epicanthic fold, and became what we today call Mongoloid.

The Eskimo people that live in Scandinavia and Canada are not Caucasian, they’re descendants of the humans who interbred with the archaic humans of east Asia.

So, North Europeans do not have epicanthic folds because Neanderthals did not develop epicanthic folds because they did not live in the cold areas of north Europe. They mainly lived in central, west, south and east Europe. East Asians have them, because the archaic people they interbred with lived in the cold areas of east Asia.

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