If fat is stores of energy, then why aren’t fat people more energetic than skinny people?


If fat is stores of energy, then why aren’t fat people more energetic than skinny people?

In: 302

33 Answers

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There’s a few things to consider here. First, how exactly are we defining energetic. If its who has the most energy stored in their bodies, and could go the longest without eating, then the fatter person is more energetic. If it’s about being very bouncy and moving around a lot, psychology plays a much bigger role than total fat stored would.

Second, and probably more to the point, is the fact that there’s a cause and effect in play. Energetic people gravitate towards more physically active work and hobbies, leading to less total weight gain. Its not a perfect predictor, as I’ve met some fat construction workers that could have kicked my butt in any physical activity, but its a general rule of thumb.

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