If fat is stores of energy, then why aren’t fat people more energetic than skinny people?


If fat is stores of energy, then why aren’t fat people more energetic than skinny people?

In: 302

33 Answers

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The body is very efficient at using energy (ie it can go a long way on relatively little energy), and every body (except those suffering extreme starvation) has sufficient energy reserves to go for a few weeks. So storing a bit of extra energy won’t make you more energetic, it will just weigh you down and make it harder to move.

As you get even fatter though, the situation can worsen for another reason. The body tends to store fat when you overeat carbohydrates. The way it does this is that it uses insulin to convert excess blood sugar to fat. But when the body is awash with insulin it cannot access its fat stores for energy. People can get into a vicious cycle where they snack on carbs all day, so their blood sugar keeps spiking, so their insulin is permanently raised, so they can not access their fat stores, so they get hungry trying to provide their body with some immediate energy they can use, so they snack on more carbs, and so on. Ie despite all the extra energy they are storing, they can’t actually access it easily so feel less energetic.

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