If feces is the bits of food that our body couldn’t digest or use, is it possible to eat a diet that our bodies can use 100% and never have to defecate? And, if so, could such a diet ever be healthy or would it always be deficient in some nutrients?


If feces is the bits of food that our body couldn’t digest or use, is it possible to eat a diet that our bodies can use 100% and never have to defecate? And, if so, could such a diet ever be healthy or would it always be deficient in some nutrients?

In: 90

22 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

When I was breastfeeding my brand new infant, she didn’t poop for like 2 days. I was getting worried, but a lactation consultant (who was also an RN and had 6 kids of her own) told me not to over worry because the breast milk was being completely digested, so there was not much left to poop out. The next day she pooped (much my relief).

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