If heat kills food germs, why is it normal for Japanese to eat raw food?


If heat kills food germs, why is it normal for Japanese to eat raw food?

In: 11

8 Answers

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which raw food are we talking about here? several types of fish/seafood, if a high amount of effort is given to storage and sanitary conditions, are obviously safe to immediately eat raw as sushi/sashimi. Beef cuts can be sometimes eaten raw if very high amounts of effort are put into the processing, however since microbes beef cuts hang out on the surface, simply cooking the outside of the steak kills off most of all germs, while the remaining raw or lightly cooked meat inside is safer for consumption. crustacean meat tends to spoil insanely fast so most don’t try to eat that raw. meats like pork or poultry due to structure, and what parasites and germs they carry are much more difficult to keep safe without cooking, and honestly idk who would like the texture of raw chicken but i never want to meet them.

as for the why, undercooked or raw meats have a different flavor and texture. some prefer it that way, some don’t. it all comes down to they are willing to take a calculated risk for the taste.

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