if HIV originally came from chimps who got it from eating a smaller monkey and it’s not transmitted by air etc like the cold. Why are we having such a hard time eradicating it in human hosts?


if HIV originally came from chimps who got it from eating a smaller monkey and it’s not transmitted by air etc like the cold. Why are we having such a hard time eradicating it in human hosts?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Once the virus enters the cell it hijacks structures to make viral products which are incorporated into the nucleus and DNA. In simple terms, the viral product becomes part of the DNA which then makes more, escaping the cell to repeat the cycle. Medical technology doesn’t exist that can mass target the types of cells HIV infects or remove the virus once its incorporated into the DNA.

Treatment for HIV is multi pronged: Targeting the ability of the virus to stick to the outer layer of the cell; limiting the ability to make functional viral products; and (Im not 100% sure on this last one) altering the ability of the cell to eject formed viral products.

The ‘cure’ for HIV is functional. The cell can’t make activated viral products which can be measured in blood. The infected cells still have HIV incorporated into the DNA.
Designing medications to target one type of cell, the rate or ability of a cell to transport products in or out, or cellular structure is difficult.

The amount of research is incredible, current advances allow HIV users to live full active lives. Prep is a new preventative medication high risk users can take before having sex, decreasing (but not eliminating) the ability of the virus to enter someone unaffected by HIV. Some countries offer it over the counter, others by prescription. .

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