if HIV originally came from chimps who got it from eating a smaller monkey and it’s not transmitted by air etc like the cold. Why are we having such a hard time eradicating it in human hosts?


if HIV originally came from chimps who got it from eating a smaller monkey and it’s not transmitted by air etc like the cold. Why are we having such a hard time eradicating it in human hosts?

In: Biology

11 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

1. Sex education globally is a patchwork at best. For example, my 30 yo male friend from China received no sex Ed in school, and is one of countless thousands of Chinese citizens living with HIV.

2. Incubation period means a person can have multiple partners for months before the first symptoms emerge alerting them that something may be wrong, and the early symptoms are similar to the flu, so many shrug it off and keep on going.

3. Follow the $$. I’m sure you’re aware that the healthcare industry is deeply flawed. This is not to diminish the outstanding strides that have been made in the last decade or so.

4. Timeline: While significant strides have been made in the battle against HIV, we delayed even talking about it for a solid 6 yrs after we found it, so the delay in public discussion, funding, and research, has long term implications in terms of the international spread.

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