1: Generally all body processes slow down during sleep, so the filtration process that creates urine also slows down.
2: You consistently produce urine at a certain rate during the day because you’re drinking and eating. You’re not doing those things while you sleep, so the urine production slows as intake slows.
3: The actual risk of UTI from holding it over a short period of time has been kind of overblown. Yes, it’s true that people should have free and open access to bathroom facilities, but the whole “if I don’t get to go at my instant whim I cOuLd gEt A dIseaSe” thing is, for the most part, for most people…just not accurate.
Your pituitary secretes more antidiuretic hormone when you sleep so your kidneys absorb more water while you sleep. This results in an overall decreased amount of urine produced. This is also why your urine in the morning is usually pretty dark and concentrated since a lot of the water was reabsorbed
There is a point where delaying urination can be harmful, but usually either:
* your life happens to be timed such that you do not reach that point while asleep (for instance, if you pee shortly before bed, then you might not need to pee througout the night or when you wake up)
* you wake up from sleep with a feeling that you need to pee, and so you do pee, and thus you are not harmed
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