If hot air rises, why is all the snow on top of mountains?


If hot air rises, why is all the snow on top of mountains?

In: Physics

3 Answers

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Since heat is only vibration of molecules, and the further away from earth you get the further apart those molecules are, technically there’s less energy on average. Like if you took a balloon full of air at the beach, you’re capturing like a TON of air particles that are vibrating and trying to heat up the walls of the ballon. If you go up to the top of a mountain and fill the balloon to the same size, you’re capturing wayyy less air particles. So that’s less little dudes trying to vibrate and heat up the stuff around them. On the ground, there’s so many air particles that they crash into water and break apart ice crystals on a molecular level. On mountains, there’s not enough air particles smacking into the snow to break them into liquid.

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