If humans manufacture currency, why can’t we manufacture more money and hand it out to the less fortunate /lower class?


If humans manufacture currency, why can’t we manufacture more money and hand it out to the less fortunate /lower class?

In: Economics

10 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Lets talk basics. Let’s say every country in the world has a piece of basic printer paper to represent their countries wealth. Let’s zoom into one country’s piece of paper, let’s say the USA. Every person in the USA owns a portion of this piece of paper. However, the USA can never have more than it’s one piece of paper. If you keep dividing this piece of paper, the pieces start to become worthless. If there were only two pieces of this paper in existence, would you be happy to own only one piece? Of course, it would be 50% of the whole. If there were billions of pieces, would you then also be happy with one piece? No, because you own a smaller part of “the whole”, and when “the whole” decides to cut itself apart and increase the amount of pieces they make, then it becomes a smaller and smaller percent of the total amount it’s worth

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