If I brush my teeth twice a day and always use extra whitening toothpaste then why aren’t my teeth super white?


If I brush my teeth twice a day and always use extra whitening toothpaste then why aren’t my teeth super white?

In: 31

28 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whitening toothpaste has some kind of “grain” in it, it rubs the discolored layer off your teeth. If you use it often your teeth loose their enamel and get discolored faster. Coffee, tea, wine… everything that’s known to stain fabric will most likely be able to leave some kind of stain on your teeth. To help prevent staining swish water in your mouth after drinking coffee etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because it isnt natural. Your teeth are off-white, not white. They will stay that way unless you force it.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Whitening toothpaste has some kind of “grain” in it, it rubs the discolored layer off your teeth. If you use it often your teeth loose their enamel and get discolored faster. Coffee, tea, wine… everything that’s known to stain fabric will most likely be able to leave some kind of stain on your teeth. To help prevent staining swish water in your mouth after drinking coffee etc.

Anonymous 0 Comments

According to the toothpaste adverts in the UK, as the enamel on teeth wears thin, the under layer of tooth starts showing through and this under layer is yellow in colour

I’m just a random guy with no knowledge or expertise so that could be pure marketing for their enamel strengthening toothpaste

Anonymous 0 Comments

Outside of all the comments about whiting gel not working

And the fact that you’re a coffee drinker

There’s a possibility you are brushing correctly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Outside of all the comments about whiting gel not working

And the fact that you’re a coffee drinker

There’s a possibility you are brushing correctly.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dentist here. White colour is the colour of your enamel not the whole tooth. There is a yellow coloured dentin below the enamel. Whitening toothpaste usually have more abrasive content leading to removal of enamel & expose the dentin in the process. In long run whitening toothpaste are bad for your teeth

Anonymous 0 Comments

Dentist here. White colour is the colour of your enamel not the whole tooth. There is a yellow coloured dentin below the enamel. Whitening toothpaste usually have more abrasive content leading to removal of enamel & expose the dentin in the process. In long run whitening toothpaste are bad for your teeth