If I drink 48oz of water in 1-2 hours, does it have the same positive effect as it would if I spread it out throughout the day?

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# I have a hard time making myself drink water, so sometimes I just try to get it all in within a couple hours. But it got me thinking, does it help my body the same way as it would should I drink small amounts throughout the day.

In: Biology

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Bodies are different, and in the end you have to figure out what works for you, empirically. But my experience is, if I drink a lot of water all at once, say, two liters, I’m suddenly a lot less thirsty (go figure), I start needing to pee a lot for an hour or two, and in three or four hours, I’m back to being thirsty. But if I drink a liter every two or three hours, the water lasts me longer without me getting parched.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you drank all that water, then ate a bunch of salty crackers, you’d probably get thirsty again right?

I’m no doctor, but I feel as though it’s best to meet your body’s hydration needs at that moment than trying to stockpile everything. I feel like this is the same as sleeping for 24 hours straight and then trying to stay awake for 3 days straight.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Water intoxication happens when TOO much water is drank at once. Kidneys get overloaded trying to process the extra fluid and the salts in your blood gets diluted to the point that death can occur. There are warning signs but I doubt you would notice yourself. It is rare and I don’t know what amount of water can be drank safely. I assume it may depend on the person. Plus, your body does better with moderation (with most things) so drinking through out the day would be the best way to go. You could drink a glass of water for before and after a meal, so 2 cups of water with each meal. If you do that with the three meals, your hydration is handled.

Anonymous 0 Comments

This depends on the person, temperature, humidity, physical activity and other factors so there is no definitive answer but in general for a healthy person it would be better to spread it throughout the day

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, it does not.

Your body can only absorb so much water at any one time. The rest will be discarded as urine.

Too much water will flush out the the good things too, leaving you in worse shape.

Its better to space it out so its absorbed fully and doesn’t flush out the good things.

You also get water from some of the things you eat as well.

I hate drinking water too, but the chug method is not beneficial for daily water intake. It is better than nothing though.

The color of your urine will tell you where you are at. Looking for a pale light yellow. Anything darker… get to drinking a glass.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No. Your body wants a certain amount of water in it at anytime of the day. If you have too much at once, it will get rid of the excess water.

Anonymous 0 Comments

ELI5 answer:

There is no benefit to drinking large amounts of water, whether all at once or spread throughout the day. The belief that there is a large set amount of water to drink is pseudoscience based in part on a recommendation made by a US government agency more than 50 years ago, that mentioned 2.5 liters (about 84 ounces) and then noted that water in the food that you eat accounts for most of the water requirement (this second part being ignored or unknown to modern online fitness gurus).

Normal people should be guided by their thirst.

People in extreme situations,.such as endurance athletes, or prolonged exposure to high temperatures will have to drink more to stay ahead of increased water loss, and may need to supplement with minerals in some circumstances.

Some elderly people or people on medications that may derange their sense of thirst or their metabolism may have to be careful about their water intake.

For the rest of us: don’t worry about it

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your body can roughly absorb 800-900ml (27oz) of water per hour/or 200ml(6,7oz) per 15 minutes

It won’t have the exactly same effect as drinking it over the day but it’s still better than nothing

Also you don’t need to be worried about Hyperhydration
A healthy person is able to drink large amount of water in a short time without any issues (I’m talking about like 4 Liters in a short time)

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, rather its a colon cleansing technique to do via salt water of 4 litre generally takes about 45 minutes, recommended by Ayurveda.

It vitiates vata for cleansing of body waste that were clogged and generally best to do every quater + whenever you catch fever or something related. The vitiated vata is accounted by eating a special khichdi with 3 tbspoon of ghee (excess) as a completion of process.

Anonymous 0 Comments

No, your body has an intake limit, for everything. That’s why you can’t chug a full bottle of vitamins gummy and eat nothing but potatoes for the rest of the week.