If I get severely sunburnt, is that area of my skin any more radioactive than the rest of me?


If sunburn is a radiation burn from UV radiation, and exposure to radiation can make you more radioactive than otherwise (I’m thinking chernobyl here, which I know is infinitely more drastic than the sun as experienced from earth), is there a possibility that part of your skin emits more radiation than usual?

I know that we’re naturally a lil radioactive due to ingesting stuff that is naturally a lil spicy in terms of nuclides etc. But does excessive sun exposure make us temporarily a little more spicy?

This might belong on r/nostupidquestions or r/showerthoughts because I feel like it is a real stupid question but I’m super interested all the same. And I feel like this community is pretty smart…

In: Biology

2 Answers

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You don’t become radioactive from either UV nor ionizing radiation (unless you’re inside a nuclear reactor under very specific and also very long circumstances).

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