If I role two dice, their sum is most likely 7. So if I role a 2 with one die, is the next roll most likely to be a 5?


Seems weird any way I think about it. Thanks!

In: Mathematics

11 Answers

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The fact says: if you roll two dice, the most probable outcome is 7. This is true, there are simply more combinations of two dice that give 7 than give any other number.

If you are roll a 2 with one dice and then make that result a fact, and then judge the probability of rolling a 5 afterwards, that is no longer the outcome of two dice rolls! That is the outcome of the second dice GIVEN THAT the first dice rolling 2.

In other words you are only most likely to get 7 if you roll the two dice together over and over. If you roll a 2 and then only roll ONE dice after that over and over, there is no one result that is more likely than any others.

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