If I role two dice, their sum is most likely 7. So if I role a 2 with one die, is the next roll most likely to be a 5?


Seems weird any way I think about it. Thanks!

In: Mathematics

11 Answers

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Nope. it’s just that no matter what you roll on the first die, there’s always SOMETHING you can roll on the second die to get a 7, so the chances are 1/6.

If you want to roll a 2, you have to roll a 1 on both rolls, so the chance is 1/36. Same chance for rolling 12.

To roll a 3, you have a 1/3 chance to roll the required 1 or 2, then 1/6 to pick up whichever you missed on the second roll, so the total is 1/18.

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