If I throw something upwards will the gravity slow it down faster?


So idk if this makes sense so I’m going to use numbers. If I take something, and shoot it let’s say a bullet. Into the air. The first second it will be slowing down at 9.81m/s if I’m not mistaking because gravity is pulling it down that fast. At the 2nd second. Will gravity be pulling it down at 9.81m/s still or will it go to 19.62m/s? Like will the speed be stacking essentially for how fast it slows down?

In: 8

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technically, yes. The further you are away from an object the less gravity has an effect on it but given the small distance you’re throwing it up and the size of the Earth the difference is nearly impossible to measure.

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So idk if this makes sense so I’m going to use numbers. If I take something, and shoot it let’s say a bullet. Into the air. The first second it will be slowing down at 9.81m/s if I’m not mistaking because gravity is pulling it down that fast. At the 2nd second. Will gravity be pulling it down at 9.81m/s still or will it go to 19.62m/s? Like will the speed be stacking essentially for how fast it slows down?

In: 8

7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Technically, yes. The further you are away from an object the less gravity has an effect on it but given the small distance you’re throwing it up and the size of the Earth the difference is nearly impossible to measure.

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