If I unplug the monitor will the mouse still work?


I know this question may sound stupid, but I only have a laptop so I can’t really try this.
So if the monitor is suddenly unplugged will you still be able to click and open an app without seeing it or will it just ignore the mouse input?

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3 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

If you manage to aim correctly you can do all the things without a monitor as with it. It’s a one-way street: The monitor (assuming it is not a touch-sensitive monitor) doesn’t give back any feedback, it only recieves data it needs to make a picture. And the PC just sends these data regardless if there’s a monitor plugged in or if the plugged-in monitor is shut off.

Anonymous 0 Comments

If the monitor is unplugged, the computer will still function normally. Will be quite difficult to use it though. Lol

Anonymous 0 Comments

Your computer will still function and accept the mouse input.

The mouse is an input device. It is used to send instructions to your computer in ways it can understand.

The monitor is an output device. It receives signals from your computer and translates them into a video image.

The two are separate, and thus you can continue using a mouse (or keyboard) to send commands to a computer when the monitor is off/disconnected.