If I’m Playing A Game On Both Monitors Duplicating The Screen, Am I Using Twice The GPU Power? How Does It Work?


If I’m Playing A Game On Both Monitors Duplicating The Screen, Am I Using Twice The GPU Power? How Does It Work?

In: 6

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Probably not.

If you’re showing the same image on both monitors, your GPU is consuming the usual resources to render the scene into the frame buffer (basically a section of memory that stores the next frame that’s going to be shown on screen). But when it’s time to show that frame, it can just copy that image to both monitors, and that takes far less power than rendering the image in the first place.

The reason for the *probably* is that it depends on whether the GPU “knows” both images are the same. It might not, for example, if you’re running two identical copies of the game game, one on each screen.

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