If inflation is at Approx 7%, how are dollar stores justifying $1.25 prices?


Title says it all basically. I understand that inflation is at around 7% give or take. But things that used to cost $1 is now at Dollar Tree / Dollar General / Etc for $1.25 meaning their profit margins are even higher now than they were before inflation, no?

I know dollar stores are actually a rip-off and you get less product for your dollar but everyone is meming about “The $1.25 Store” and I’m super curious how this works.

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7 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

You assume they are telling the truth about that 7% figure. If they say it’s 7%, but in the real world the price of everything has increased by 25%, wouldn’t that (essentially by definition) mean that the real inflation rate is 25%?

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