If math is a such a definite subject with solid answers, how are there still unsolved math problems? How do people even come up with them?


If math is a such a definite subject with solid answers, how are there still unsolved math problems? How do people even come up with them?

In: Mathematics

20 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

The best explanation I ever heard was this:

Imagine you’re brought into huge, dark mansion. It’s impossible to see so you fumble around the main entrance before finding a light switch. Ah, ok. There is a hall before you that stretches off into darkness. You decide to open the first door you can see and begin searching this new room. More darkness. You carefully walk inside, trying to use the little light from outside that you can. You hit your knee on strange furniture, reach out into the blackness for anything to steady yourself on. After a long time, you find the switch and AH HA! The room looks almost how you imagined it in the dark.

You keep doing this for hours, days, weeks… years. The mansion is unending.

The rooms and branches of the mansions are like branches of mathematics. Many are already known, studied, and understood. You can continue to analyze these if you wish, but there are more rooms, more branches, that are barely understood. Some are still unknown. Good luck.

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