If MLM’s are widely seen as modern day pyramid schemes. Why are they not considered to be illegal?


If MLM’s are widely seen as modern day pyramid schemes. Why are they not considered to be illegal?

In: Economics

5 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

MLMs are very much like pyramid schemes in one respect, you’ll only really make any decent money if you recruit more people under you and get them to do the same.

But the big difference is there is no promise that you’ll ever make any money. They make sure of that. They pay lawyers a ton of money to make sure they never legally promise any kind of returns.

I know this because for a few years I worked as a convention graphics operator in Vegas. That’s a fancy term for “the guy who makes the power point computers work”. Just over half of the shows I did were MLMs. I’ve seen a *ton* of MLM presentations. It’s all just a big show. They do their damnedest to convince you that you can make a ton of money, but again, they never legally promise it to you.

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