If my face muscles are constantly working and moving..why aren’t they super bulked up like my my biceps and legs?


If my face muscles are constantly working and moving..why aren’t they super bulked up like my my biceps and legs?

In: Biology

2 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because they’re not doing hard work. Muscles only grow to be as large as they need to be to do their jobs, because any more would just be a waste of resources. The way the muscles know how large they need to be is through tearing: If the muscles tear because they’re doing work greater than what they’re able to do without tearing, then that’s a sign they need to become larger. Then, once they’ve become larger, they’ll no longer tear doing the same work – they don’t need to get any larger, so they don’t.

Your face muscles are constantly moving, but they’re only moving your eyebrows, jaw, lips and a few other things. These are not very hard things to do, and were the muscles to get any larger, they would just atrophy down to the minimum required muscle to do their jobs. If you want to make your face more muscular, you’re going to need to figure out a way to suspend a dumbbell from your eyebrows.

Anonymous 0 Comments

The muscles of the face, like the jaw muscles (masseters) are a different type of muscle fibers, Type 1 , which are designed to resist fatigue and smaller movements.