If non cash rich billionaires have to sell stocks to pay taxes how do they stay in control of their companies?


If non cash rich billionaires have to sell stocks to pay taxes how do they stay in control of their companies?

In: 14

15 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

So I’m going to explain to you how to do this with real numbers. As some others have said you use loans and pay **almost** no tax.

Let’s say I start a company. Things go well and we go public. I now own 25% of the stock worth 50 billion. 25% is **more** than enough for me to stay in control, so I sell 10 billion in stock. This lets me keep 40 billion or 20% again this is more than enough for me to stay in control. I have to pay 20% capital gains on the 10 billion I sold, so 2 billion. I now have 8 billion in cash.

Now forget about the 40 billion I have in the company it’s not important. All it does is let me retain control. The 8 billion is what matters. I invest this 8 billion is a diversified portfolio. I then get a loan on this 8 billion for about 30% of it so 2.5 billion for a stupid low interest rate. Zuckerberg apparently got about 0.5% when he did this. 0.5% on 2.5 billion is 12.5 million a year. Let’s say I’m 35 if I want to spend 1 million a week 2.5 billion will last me 48 years. or until I’m 83. How do I pay the interest? Well my 8 billion is still there. Making about 3% a year. 3% of 8 billion is 240 million. Every year I sell 15.7 million of that 8 billion+ pay 3.2 million in tax and use the rest to pay off the interest on the loan. So ignoring the 40 billion in my company I “make” 240 million a year and get taxed 3.2 million. That’s a tax rate of 1.3% At 83 my 240 million a year will be well over 20 billion, So I just take out a new loan that covers me till I die. When I die the base points reset my kids pay off the loans with 0 tax owed, they actually get a deduction on the inheritance tax for repaying the loan. Rinse repeat.

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