if numbers are finite, why do we use /100 or 100% to measure limit?


edit: if numbers are *INFINITE*. sorry, my thumb slipped

In: Mathematics

5 Answers

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As /u/PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET said, it’s because it’s easy.

You can form a mental model around 100. Whereas trying to create one around random numbers is more difficult.

Let’s say for example flipping a coin. When I ask “you which side do you think will come up?” Your mind subconsciously makes a probability model. You can express that model in a couple ways. 1 out of 2. Half. 50%.

Now work in reverse. If I’m trying to tell you the result of a mental model, if i tell you it happens 1/33 times or i tell you it happens 3%, which is easier?

By making it a % it puts it in a frame of reference that you can understand, easily.

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