If obese people are constantly moving around 50-80 etc extra pounds, would they not logically be way more muscular than the average person?


Shouldnt large people be jacked just from simply moving around with the extra weight? Im talking about muscle mass here and not fat content. Thanks

In: Biology

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

They are often stronger, but they lack the cardiovascular fitness in many cases to support optimal output using that strength. It’s functionality doesn’t extend beyond moving themselves around. And that’s not even getting into what it does to your skeleton.

Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments


Anonymous 0 Comments

To answer your question, yeah they usually are a lot stronger.

But keep in mind that your lungs don’t get any bigger; moving more weight means exerting more energy, which means more oxygen demand. So while fat people are generally pretty strong, they don’t have the same level of endurance.

Anonymous 0 Comments

In absolute terms they’ll have more muscle mass, yes.

A lean, athletic 65kg person who consists of 42% muscles has 27kg of muscle mass. A fat 120kg person is going to have something like 35% muscles, even when sedentary. That’s 42kg of muscle mass. That’s why heavier people can generally lift more weight (again, in absolute terms. And keep in mind that training can improve the efficiency of muscles a lot). However, while the 65kg person probably has something like 10% body fat (6.5kg) the fat person will have something like 40% body fat (48kg). That’s why they still look very fat and it’s still unhealthy.

Anonymous 0 Comments

It depends largely on activity levels. Myself for example, I’m 6ft 250 and regularly hit the gym but I eat like there’s no tomorrow so I’m still chunky but I’m pretty strong, repping 275 on the bench press and squatting close to 500. On the other end I’ve met many people who are fatties who just lay around all day and get very little excercise and the excercise they do get is generally just a little walking, I’m vastly stronger than they are. Yeah sure carrying extra weight can make you stronger but your still gonna be pretty weak with no excercise.

Anonymous 0 Comments

3 things to point out

– Generally larger people do not move often, thus their muscle mass is weaker compared to their weight,.

– The heart can only move so much blood around to all the body, including muscle

– Lungs are not able to supply all body with enough air due to the size.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Often they do to some degree but as in the gym you have to up the weight to progress at some point. There are also other factors to consider. Being overweight for example negatively effects testosteron. And being overweight and not moving a lot are kinda linked obviously so an overweight person will on average move less.