If obese people are constantly moving around 50-80 etc extra pounds, would they not logically be way more muscular than the average person?


Shouldnt large people be jacked just from simply moving around with the extra weight? Im talking about muscle mass here and not fat content. Thanks

In: Biology

24 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

I have two brothers, one is 5’5 and skinny/average build, one is 6’0 and close to 400 lbs, we often go through spurts of self improvement in the gym.

Me and my larger bro can put on muscle just thinking about lifting weight while the skinnier bro has to try a little harder and eat a little more to match the same kind of growth.

On the other hand when it comes time to cut weight and lose the fat thats covering our muscle we are totally fucked, and will struggle to let go of mass.
And even if we do cut down and drop weight our muscle goes too. However the skinnier bro has no issue and keeps most of his muscle.

Also mine and the heavier bros legs are chiseled by the gods themselves due to being fat but constantly riding 20+ miles on a bike with hills.

I see a lot of former fat people with huge calves and quads from having to lift our fat asses and walk around.

Edit: just want to emphasize a little just how massive my larger bros calves are. I was behind him going up a hill on a ride together the other day and glanced down, his calves under load and pumped are larger than most pro body builders biceps. Ngl im jealous.

Anonymous 0 Comments

You’re assuming that they move around as much as the average person.

There are at least two reasons why that probably isn’t true.

It’s harder for obese people to move around and people tend to do less of things that are difficult.

People who like to move around a lot are less likely to be obese.

Anonymous 0 Comments

Their legs tend to be much stronger, but the joints in the legs are usually in pretty bad shape.

Anonymous 0 Comments

I was near 400lbs at my heaviest in my early 20s, and well over 300lbs most of my life until the last year or so. My legs are jacked from carrying my fat around all those years, for sure.

So yes, it can be the case. My upper body, though? Weaker than a bowl of mush.