Because it’s actually not that hard to ignore the signals to a certain point. There’s a decent amount of physical space left in your stomach when the “full” signals start. You can ignore them for probably another helpings worth before you *must* puke because there’s no space. There’s a gap between the “I’m full” signals your body sends and the literal volume of your stomach cannot hold anymore. Seriously obese people regularly ignore the signals and eat til they’re gonna puke. They ignore their signals for so long they don’t even notice the signals anymore. Plus the more you eat, the bigger your stomach stretches, so the more calories you can fit per meal increases too. But your caloric output doesn’t change.
And that’s assuming, of course, that there isn’t a glitch somewhere. Because human bodies are also pretty well known for all our glitches too. Sometimes a person’s signals just don’t work properly, or something else along our very wonky system isn’t working. It happens pretty often.
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