If some contraceptives stop your period, what happens to the egg?


Can your uterus just keep it to use later in life? Would you never go through menopause?

In: 78

8 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

A woman, at birth, has 3 000 000 eggs. By the first menstrual cycle, 400 000 eggs.

Each cycle tries to release one per cycle (although it might accidentally release more, which is where fraternal twins/triplets/etc come from). You won’t need to worry about the eggs you lose during such aborted cycles anyway, it’s such a tiny number in comparison to the ones that simply die from age that it’s effectively negligible.

Menopause happens from horomone deficiencies, inevitably from age. It doesn’t have to do with the number of eggs you have left or the number of ‘full’ periods you have – the processes for the period simply doesn’t happen anymore.

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