If the germ theory is relatively new, how do they think fermentation was happening (like wine, ale, yogurt etc.) thousands of years ago?


If the germ theory is relatively new, how do they think fermentation was happening (like wine, ale, yogurt etc.) thousands of years ago?

In: 613

43 Answers

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Adding to the general theme that you can just observe these things without knowing the cause: people were also figuring this stuff out over thousands and thousands of years. Developing recipes and processes of making food took literal generations of trial and error. We have all this science now for brewing and baking, but we basically just reverse engineered it from what early humans figured out completely through experimentation on a massive timeline.

Like it used to baffle me that we ever figured out *bread* knowing all the steps it required. And then I realized that (a) the first “bread” was probably real shit, and (b) that there was honestly enough time for it to just happen on accident like the monkeys with the typewriters.

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