If the top 1% of the population has more than 50% of the worlds wealth, why can’t the other 99% just take it from them?


Edit: I did not literally mean going to rich people’s houses and rob the money.
But to just pass a law that takes most of their money and redistributes it.

In: Economics

12 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

They tried it a few times, in communist countries, and (to some extent) in heavily unionized industries or employee-owned companies. There was not much success, and a lot failure.

Most of Wealth is not money, it is businesses: the fryers in MacDonalds, the buildings where , and the MacDonalds brand itself (b/c it attracts more customers than “Random Joe’s burgers”).

So if your 99% use all of their newly acquired wealth to get themselves better food and clothes, they will be destroying jobs.

So it would be better to to continue running the business, but for the benefit of employees rather than owners. But it turns out that employees often choose to sacrifice long-term prospects for short-term gain. E.g. Detroit automakers are not doing well, b/c they have no money left for developing better cars, and worker’s rights undermine quality standards.

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