If the war on drugs has proven to be a failure, why are most governments focused on incarceration instead of rehabilitation?


If the war on drugs has proven to be a failure, why are most governments focused on incarceration instead of rehabilitation?

In: Other

9 Answers

Anonymous 0 Comments

Because people still get elected by being “tough” on drugs.

Drug addiction is a complex problem, but voters want simple solutions, lock ’em all up is about as simple as it gets. Also, people who are against recreational drug us are *really, really* against it and will vote against anyone they don’t think agrees. People who are more tolerant usually aren’t as passionate about it and aren’t going to care as much about a candidates views on the matter. So the “safe” (i.e., morally cowardly) approach is to pander to those to are strongly against drugs while trying to win over everyone else on other issues.

Finally, drug use is kind of like speeding. It is a violation lots of people commit that police usually ignore, but like to have in their back pocket in case they need leverage.

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