If time is a dimension, why can you only go in one direction?


I get that there are 3 dimensions of space and only one dimension of time, but it still seems like you should be able to go both forward and backward. It’s like if you had a 1-dimensional space (which I assume would be an infinitely thin line, correct me if I’m wrong) you could still go both left and right.

In: 19

9 Answers

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Considering time a dimension is just really a cognitive notation for explaining or documenting how things happen. Time is *not* a spatial dimension and shows no signs that it is about to act like one (no moving back and forth). It demonstrates some spatial qualities in that there is Plank time as well as Plank distance but while sharing a few similarities with spatial dimensions we have yet to be able to observe it ever moving backwards, though it can slow down for fast moving things due to relativity.

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