If time is a dimension, why can you only go in one direction?


I get that there are 3 dimensions of space and only one dimension of time, but it still seems like you should be able to go both forward and backward. It’s like if you had a 1-dimensional space (which I assume would be an infinitely thin line, correct me if I’m wrong) you could still go both left and right.

In: 19

9 Answers

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The best “why” you’ll get is that this is just the way the universe works. Even coming from Einstein’s general relativity, one of the postulates made is that dimensions come in the form that time is one way, and space is not under normal circumstances.

Funnily enough, after a mind boggling amount of mathematics, it is possible to deduce that in a black hole, the form of the equation that shows this, flips, and you get space in one direction (in towards the black hole) and time goes back and forth)

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