If u shoot a gun on a driving car, or with a bow on a riding horse, are the bullets or arrows faster, and why?


I discussed with my family about this situation. I dont get it

In: Physics

10 Answers

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Throwing or shooting something from a moving vehicle adds the velocity of the vehicle to the velocity of your throw. Or subtracts it if you are moving in the opposite direction. (If you throw/shoot at an angle to the direction of travel you will have to do vector addition so lets not go into that.)

In practice air resistance will mean that some velocity gets lots from the addition. Holding your had out of a moving car will tell you that the faster you go the more the wind presses against your hand, this will make it harder to throw anything.

For really fast moving vehicles like space-ships and real fast projectiles that move at a significant fraction of the speed of light you will run into trouble again, because it turns out that you can’t really just add velocities like we normally do. However unless your horse is some alien space horse or the gun you shoot a laser or particle cannon that won’t matter.

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